On Saturday, October 21, 2017, an excursion of Lower Austria’s Kulturvernetzung NÖ took place on the Day of Open Ateliers in Bratislava self-governing region for the needs of the HERITAGE SK-AT project within the Interreg V-A Slovak Republic – Austria Program.
Slovak artists enthused 25 participants of the excursion from Lower Austria (people interested in art and artists) with the variety and creativity of their work and works.
The following studios and artists were visited: Barbora Košicová, Vlasta Hubková, Agnesa Vavrinová, Zuzana and Dana Polaková, Luba Vanová, Martin Dzurek, Pavol Šimaj Juriček, Darina Lichnerová, Tomáš and Marian Polonský, Maria Španiková, Silvia Stranská and Helena Hrbatá.
On Saturday, October 14, 2017, 25 Slovak participants visited the excursions (people interested in art and artists) from the Bratislava self-governing region during Days of Open Studios in Lower Austria. The program included selected studios to convey the diversity of art in Lower Austria.
Both excursions brought new personal contacts and inspiration to the participants.