Reconstruction of the manor house in Modra


On 14 August, an administrative handover of the manor house construction to the contractor, which will carry out its reconstruction, was held in the premises of the manor house of the Little Carpathian Cultural Centre in Modra,

The reconstruction itself will take two years, during which the manor house and the adjacent garden will be reconstructed. The Bratislava self-governing region, together with its partners, is a successful recipient of the non-repayable financial contribution of the Interreg V-A Slovak Republic – Austria cross-border cooperation program. This contribution will exploit the creative potential of the cross-border SK-AT region for the preservation and development of natural and cultural heritage. After the reconstruction, the manor house will become a cultural and creative centre of the whole region. During the reconstruction, a spatial background will be created to promote the work of local artists, producers. At the same time, entities interested in the development of cultural and natural heritage, services and related educational activities will be involved. Cooperation will achieve a significant expansion of common cross-border offers in the fields of culture, leisure and tourism.

The partners of the project are the Bratislava self-governing region and the Little Carpathian Cultural Centre in Modra. Cross-border, Austrian partners are Marktgemeinde Jedespeigen, Museumsmanagement NÖ, Kulturvernetzung NÖ. The strategic partner of the project is the Little Carpathian Museum in Pezinok.

The reconstruction of the manor house and the adjacent garden is part of the “Cultural-Creative Revival of Traditions” project (Heritage SK-AT), which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Slovak Republic – Austria Cooperation Program.