Salón výtvarníkov (Artists‘ Salon) 2018 – artists from the Little Carpathians


The Artists‘ Salon is a cultural and artistic event traditionally organized by the Little Carpathian Cultural Centre (under the founding competence of the Bratislava self-governing region). The event was publicly funded this year by the Arts Support Fund. It is a varied exhibition of the work of artists from the Bratislava region (Bratislava, Pezinok, Modra, Stupava, Malacky, Senec, or the surrounding towns and villages) that live here or create in their studios. At this event they present themselves in various genres, techniques and themes. Because of this variety, it is a very popular event for a wide range of visitors.

This year the Artists‘ Salon is again held in the Zoya Museum – ELESKO wine park in Modra. It is a spacious and modern building whose architecture gives artworks enough space in the gallery to excel. Its location directly between the vineyards in the Little Carpathians, complements the composition of works of art with pictures painted by nature, which can be seen through the glass walls overlooking the surrounding region. This year is the 22nd annual Salon.

At the exhibition you will see works by 78 artists, which is the most for all previous years. They will present their current work in the form of paintings, sculptures, jewellery or photographs. Every year two or three guests are invited to live and work outside the region, whether in Slovakia or abroad. Guests at the Artists´ Salon 2018, who accepted the invitation to exhibit together with our artists, are Polish artist Michal Franaszczuk and Austrian photographer Josef Mann. The curator of the exhibition is Mgr. Pavol Šima – Juriček.

The presentation of artists‘ work also includes a well-arranged catalogue with a short annotation about each artist who participates in the given year of the Artists‘ Salon

The exhibition is open to the public from 14 September 2018 until the end of the year.

At the same time, we are paying attention to another beautiful autumn event, which is the Open Ateliers Day, which will take place on 20 October 2018. On this day, artists in our region will open their studios and art workshops to the public. Visitors will be able to peek into their magic world, get to know them and get to know their work. Those artists who open their studios will be labelled with the DOA logo in the catalogue we publish to the Artists‘ Salon 2018, but many others are also involved. Which studios you decide to visit is up to you.

These events are organized for the needs of the project „Cultural and Creative Revival of Traditions“ (Heritage SK-AT), which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Slovak Republic – Austria Cooperation Program.

The Little Carpathian Cultural Centre in Modra is a contributory organization with legal personality, founded by the Bratislava self-governing region since 1.4.2002. Its mission is to develop local and regional culture. It is the only facility of such kind in the Bratislava region.